Moms Have Polar Opposite Reactions To Baby Gender Reveal

5 years ago

One of the most exciting moments one can ever feel is the moment when you determine the sex of your baby! It does not even matter whether it turns out to be a boy or a girl!

There is something about finding that little piece of information that gets you even more excited to meet that precious new addition to the family. And what could be a better way to announce it to the world than by hosting an epic reveal party for your family and friends! And when it comes to breaking the news to the friends and family, there are countless fun ways to do it!

There are several different styles people use to reveal if it is a boy or a girl, but the most popular one is with a box with lots of ribbons, the blue ones if it is a boy and the pink ones if it is a girl! It is super fun and very exciting for everyone. Just check out this video and see it for yourself!

Having a baby is such a blessing, and the mom in this video is lucky enough to be expecting her second baby! Imagine that! Is there a better feeling in the world? Her child is next to her, and the whole family has gathered around to find out the baby gender.

The grandmother of the expected baby is very excited, and she is hoping that it is a girl. But, when the mother opens the box, the ribbons are blue! YAY! It is a boy. The precious mom is getting a baby boy, but the grandmother is not so thrilled about it. You will have to watch the video to see the outcome. Keep an eye on the picture in picture inset and catch the polar opposite reactions, it is hilarious.

Gender reveal functions are one of the hottest trends among today’s hopeful parents. They have been going on for at least eight years, but in case you are not familiar, gender reveal parties are meant to be exactly what they imply: getting a group of family and/or friends together with the expectant parents for a party, and “revealing” the baby’s gender at one time so that everyone present can celebrate the biological sex of the upcoming baby.

The “reveal” portion of the party can be done in a variety of ideas, most of which can be unearthed by spending some time into a Pinterest or Google search.

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