Hospital Staff Celebrates End Of Baby Girl's Chemo Treatment

5 years ago

A sweet video of hospital staff singing to a young cancer patient Molly is going viral. She was in hospital for 5 months after she was diagnosed with acute leukemia. The video shows just how amazing these people can be. They come together and celebrates the end of baby girl's chemo treatment. They waited a long time to finally hear this song being sung to Molly! No more chemo! What an inspiration! The video has now been viewed over 2 million times on the hospital’s Facebook page with the inspiring reactions from members of the public.

Hospitals can be scary places. We can all agree that they are not the best places to hang out. Luckily, they are the people who are blessed and bless us all, they are called doctors and nurses. They save people’s lives on a daily basis and they help people through hard times. They show that they care for everybody! The patients, the doctors, the rest of the staff.

They wish everybody to be happy, healthy and happy! May God be will all of them and brings them only good things in life! When the energy and the wish of good people come together, miracles can happen! Blessed upon these people who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

Sometimes we may pray God for prosperity, and He gives us mental and physical stamina. We might pray for success, and we receive increased patience and enlarged perspective, or we pray for growth and are blessed with the gift of grace. And sometimes we ask for his support and help, little that we know that doctors and nurses are the ones who are sent from God to help us and support us in hard times.

The human life on the earth is brimming with delights and distresses, high points and low points, quality and shortcoming and well being and ailment like day and night these happenings are characteristic in everybody's life cycle.

Be that as it may, it is silver covering that there are respectable individuals who work for their entire lives to relieve the sufferings of the others. Among them, the calling of doctors is maybe most regarded for administration to the general public.

A caring doctor commits his life to the administration of the patients. He or she assuages the sufferings and torment of humankind. He fixes them from malady and disease. He endeavors to improve the lives of others and more advantageous. A doctor's life is hard. Regularly, he needs to visit the patient at off hours prior to his rest, rest and even nourishment.

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