Two Final Runners Support Their Way To The Finish

5 years ago

Two complete outsiders who were trailing behind in Sunday's Pittsburgh Marathon helped each other complete the race in dead last spot following seven hours. Laura Mazur from Ohio and Jessica Robertson from Pennsylvania met part of the way through the 26.2-mile course when they understood they were the last two sprinters. Dismayed by the long street ahead, they pledged to help each other cross the end goal.

'I thought back to check whether I was the last one and discovered another racer and another companion,' Mazur said on Facebook. 'I disclosed to her I'd remain with her on the off chance that she remained with me.' The pair were intently trailed by the breadth vehicle, which gathers sprinters who can't complete, yet the ladies did not give each other a chance to stop. It was Mazur's twelfth long distance race and Robertson's first.

Daniel Heckert, a sprinter who had completed the half long distance race, spotted Mazur and Robertson moving toward the cheer station at the 25-mile mark connected at the hip. 'I just kept running over to get my phone as they were coming,' he revealed to CBS Pittsburgh.'I simply needed to catch the minute that demonstrated these two women were going to complete a similar race that the winner did.' Heckert's photograph has been shared in excess of multiple times on Facebook. Numerous people have remarked that they felt motivated by the two ladies' diligence and backing for one another.

Following a seven hour and 22-minute trudge - and eight minutes before the long distance race shut down - the two ladies were the absolute last sprinters to cross the end goal. The decided couple was given a shout out to the long-distance race staff, with the commentator expressing gratitude toward them 'for being a motivation to us all.'

Robertson said on Facebook it was 'an achievement I realize I'll always remember'. She called Mazur a 'deep-rooted companion'. 'It wasn't about sexual orientation, it wasn't about race, it wasn't about religion - none of that made a difference,' Robertson revealed to CBS Pittsburgh. 'We were only two people, two people, who had an objective at the top of the priority list and we inclined toward one another to arrive.' Betsy Magovern, who was giving a shout out to the ladies with Heckert, said it was 'a standout amongst the most passionate and delightful running minutes' she had ever seen. 'We regularly praise the winners, yet not frequently do the others get the chance to hear the accounts of those toward the end,' Heckert said.

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