Veterinary clinic throws emotional goodbye party for three beloved dogs

5 years ago

When three of your favorite clients are moving across the country, there's only one thing to do, and that's to throw a goodbye party that shows them how much they are loved. These beautiful dogs are moving to the east coast of Canada with their people and the veterinary clinic staff who have cared for them are going to miss them terribly.
Teelo, Riggs, and Clicquot are Vizslas, a type of pointer-retriever. They are energetic and lovable, but when they first started coming to the Sherbrooke Heights Animal Hospital in Peterborough, they were full of anxiety about the clinic and about being examined.

Their owners, Eva and Chris worked very hard, along with the staff at the hospital, to make a trip to the veterinarian a more enjoyable experience. They brought their dogs to the clinic for visits in conjunction with trips to other fun places. The dogs were lavished with love and affection, along with treats, and they were allowed to wander through the clinic and then leave, without ever being subjected to unpleasant experiences.

The dogs soon learned to associate a trip to the vet with all things positive, and now, even being examined or receiving an injection is a small concern for them when they have so many other reasons to be happy during their visit.

Dr. Kristy Hiltz and her staff love animals as much as anyone, and they were more than happy to get a visit from these three gorgeous dogs. They liked the attention just as much, and the dogs and their people soon became part of the family.

After witnessing such a change in the dogs' behavior, Eva commented that one of the hardest parts about leaving their home in Peterborough would be having to say goodbye to the veterinary staff that had bonded with their entire family. After hearing this, the staff decided that it was only fitting that they be sent off with one more happy memory. They threw a goodbye party, complete with a cake made especially for dogs. Dr. Kristy cooked a cake with layers of rice, sweet potato, chicken and a few other vegetables. She even lined the edge with jerky strips. The result was something that looked like a typical people cake, but with all the nutrition and taste that would make a dog's mouth water.

When Eva and Chris came to the clinic, they were brought to the back where the staff and treats were waiting. Following their noses, the dogs knew instantly that they were in for something special. It was an emotional moment for all as they enjoyed their final hospital visit.

Teelo, Riggs, and Clicquot devoured their cake and ran around to all of the staff, soaking up some love and saying their goodbyes. With full bellies and happy memories, they are off to experience life in Maritime Canada. Eva, Chris, and their dogs will never be forgotten.

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