Adorable baby geese enjoy an afternoon at the lake

5 years ago

Canada geese are very plentiful near the city of Vancouver British Columbia. These geese are a large wild goose species with a black head and neck with a small patch or white under its chin. Their bodies are mainly brown. They do mate for life oceanarium mature and enjoy a life span of 10 to 24 years. The males are slightly larger and range from 8 to 15 pounds while the females are slightly smaller in the range of 6 to 12 pounds. While enjoying an afternoon walking around a small lake near her home in Vancouver, Elsa noticed a family of Canada geese nearby. Canada geese mate for life. This means once they find a partner when they become mature, they stay with the same mate until death. Females lay eggs only once a year. Just a few hours after the eggs have hatched, the baby geese leave the nest and learn to swim. When the chicks are more fully grown, the parents shed their long wing and tail feathers. This means they're not able to fly for 3 to 4 weeks. Having hatched in April, the small geese, or goslings are now out and about enjoying the lake with mom and dad. Wanting to get a little closer look at the babies, Elsa started to move in a little closer. As you will see, the one goose begins to shake its head and swing its neck about. This is one way of them displaying to themselves and those around, that they are feeling threatened. This action warns their partner and goslings to be aware. As Elsa continued to move closer, the geese then decided it was time to head for the safety of water. The adorable youngsters seem unaware of any threat and continue to gobble the gravel near the beach. The whole family continued on and enjoyed an afternoon swim at the lake.

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