Cat and Mouse Game (Meo Duoi Chuot)-Vietnamese Folk Games

5 years ago

Vietnamese Folk Games
Along with the rapid development of urbanization and the invasion of Western culture is the disappearance of traditional villages and rice fields in Vietnam where people had nurtured and enriched the distinctive agriculture culture for thousands of years. Nowadays, we can only see the traditional games in some festivals and sadly, most of the kids do not even know the names of these used-to-be very familiar, healthy and exciting entertainments. This list video will show you about what and how Vietnamese people play in the past.

3. Cat and Mouse Game (Meo Duoi Chuot)
This is another group game that requires from seven to ten players. Beside two players chosen as cat and mouse, the others stand in circle, hold hands and raise their hands above head. Game starts by singing this song:

“Please come over here

Hand in hand

Stand in a large circle

The mouse will run through the hole

The cat will run after it

The mouse tries to run as fast as possible

But it can’t escape

Then the mouse will act as the cat and chase the cat, which is now the mouse”

The cat and the mouse stand inside the circle, backs against each other. The mouse starts to run once the song starts, and then the cat will chase the mouse. However, the cat must run in exactly the same route and manner as the mouse. The cat wins the game when it catches the mouse. Then the two exchange roles. If the cat runs into the wrong hole, it will be dismissed from that round.

If the cat fails to catch the mouse in a certain period of time, the two will exchange role with each other. The game will then continue.

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