Such an powerfull truck to pull out the stump of tree from ground

5 years ago

Removing a young tree from your yard is not a difficult task to plan, but be prepared to spend some time and sweat digging out the roots. If the tree is to be transplanted, additional care is necessary to protect the root ball and transplant the tree safely.
1- Calculate how far out around the tree you need to dig in order to give it an adequate root ball for transplanting. For every inch of tree trunk diameter, give the root ball 9 to 12 inches in diameter and at least 6 inches of depth. Therefore, a tree that is 3 inches in diameter needs a root ball 27 to 36 inches wide and 18 inches deep.
2- Water the soil around the tree a day before you plan to dig it out. This prepares the roots for transplanting and also makes it easier to dig into softened soil. This step is especially helpful for digging in clay soil.
3- Use twine to tie up lower branches. This keeps them out of your way as you work and protects them from being broken when the tree is moved.
4- Dig around the calculated root ball perimeter with a sharp spade, which allows a clean cut on extended roots to protect the tree from disease or unnecessary damage. Dig a circle to the calculated depth all the way around the tree, extending out around the root ball.
5- Remove any excess dirt on top of the root ball and on the sides. Shove the spade under the root ball, and apply leverage on the spade handle to push the root ball upward and out of the ground. Use the spade to cut through any additional roots that are holding the tree in the soil.
6- Pull the tree out of the hole and onto a piece of burlap or a plastic tarp. If the tree is to be transplanted, wrap the cover around the root ball before the tree is moved, to prevent the roots from drying out. If the tree is to be discarded, it can be dragged on the burlap or tarp to a disposal spot.

Tips: - For transplants, use a permanent marker to draw a small symbol on the side of the tree that faced a particular direction, such as the southern sun; this allows you to replant it facing the same direction. - If you are transplanting the tree, have the transplant hole dug ahead of time, to prevent the tree roots from drying out.

Warnings: - Call utilities to see if there are any lines or pipes in the area around the tree before you start digging. - Tree sprouts may grow out of any roots left in the ground after the tree is dug out.

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