Senior Cat Celebrates His 13th Birthday

6 years ago

Cats are such beautiful animals that with their gestures or a glance they can steal our hearts. That's why the internet is full of videos of tender cats. They are funny, tender and others are very surprising. You can not miss that which is very funny, the birthday of this cat called Tigrou where he is seen in front of his little cake while its owner carries it. We can notice that the owner is more excited than him, she can't believe it! His cat is over a decade old and yet she doesn't stop treating him like a baby.

People who have never had a pet, or anything like that, have no idea how crazy a owner can be to pamper his pets. Between laughter and somewhat crazy behaviors, a person may have a very particular way of showing his pet all the love he has for him. Much more than a pet, they are a member of the family, the one who deserves the best surprise on his birthday. That's why in this video we'll show you that a cat, too, is worthy of a big birthday party, especially when it's a 13 year old adult cat. This feline friend does honour to his age and takes things with enough seriousness, adapting himself quickly to the possible embarrassing situation to which his owner exposes him. Very funny! Take good note because with this video you could learn how to celebrate your cat's birthday.

It is more than clear that cats are special pets, we only have to take a look at their behavior and the impact that these felines cause on social networks. So, this is one more of those videos where us laughs of a cat, even though he has no expression on his face. The whole environment is conspired so that this kitten is the protagonist and the reason of laughter of the spectators. At the Tigrou cat's birthday party, all his friends are invited, even the mouse that never ends up hunting. We are not sure if they go for the cake or to laugh at the hilarious scene that this woman has provoked, besides that is not enough, now Tigrou is all over the Internet. The owner has forgotten to put her cat's birthday hat, or maybe he didn't want to wear it, because he considers himself a cat who doesn't deserve a children's party. Hilarious!

Although it may seem like a joke, the truth is that celebrating the birthday of a pet has become a fairly common practice, where people usually gather the pets of all the family and neighbors to make a quiet party in a free place, such as the courtyard of the house, where they play among themselves and share their favorite dishes, because the food is also very important in the birthday of the cat, this must be quite varied and intended for the animals we have as guests. Remember that cats should not eat sugar, so in this kind of birthday it is better to omit the cake for our pets. To replace the cake, we can go to some pet store where they will surely have gastronomic delights especially for them, and above all do not forget humans ... We also eat sandwiches!

What other ideas do you have for celebrating a feline's birthday? Let us know and share with us your ideas on how to celebrate our pets' birthdays.

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