Toddler in debate over who exactly is the boss of the house!

5 years ago

Listen to this little girl's hilarious debate with her parents as to who is the boss. She's definitely not not giving in!

Kids, right? Sometimes you can’t beat them, and you most certainly can’t join them. What you can is pick up the camera and record what they do and say in the heat of their fight for independence and hope you catch the right moment. Just like David Raffaele did with his 3-year-old daughter Sienna in the middle of a very heated debate over something that we presume every parent has been through. Who’s the boss?

Of course, parents know who is in charge around here. But when children reach the point when they are no longer babies that need constant supervision and attention, they like to think that they are in charge. If they can wash their own hands and teeth and change their own clothes, why aren’t they the boss? That is exactly how Sienna felt and she made damn sure her parents knew her sentiment.

After an earlier argument in the car about who is the boss of the house, Sienna drops an argument so solid, we would have stopped that debate right then and there. “I am boss, I can't care, that's what I say!” the tiny debater says and flings around her tiny arms in expression!

This only proves the point most parents have mentioned jokingly over the past years. Their kids ARE THE BOSS, because at the end of the day if their needs are not satisfied, there will be hell to pay.

Sienna loves a good debate with her parents, and this was a round 2 of a previous funny debate around who is boss which can be found here:

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