Elderly Great Dane snores away in front of the fireplace

6 years ago

Briva is a great Dane who has achieved something remarkable. She will be 13 years old this summer. This is an extraordinarily long life for such a big dog. She's as tall as a small horse and weighs 130lbs. Despite being a bit of a lap dog in many ways, she really enjoys stretching out on a cushy dog bed in front of the fire the most. Known affectionately as "Big Doggy", Briva sleeps most of the day now and doesn't have the energy that she did as a puppy. She doesn't enjoy bouncing on the furniture anymore or chasing squirrels either. She's far too dignified for that nonsense now that she has matured. But she still loves going for walks down the street, and one of her most favorite things is to go for a short car ride to a beautiful forest near her home and wander through the woods with her people. She will still wag her tail and get excited for the new smells and the fresh air.

Briva has lost one eye and has very little vision in the one that is left. She barely sees, but she loves the forest and the sounds of the birds. She will eagerly stroll two miles, at a reasonable pace, through the trails and she still seems reluctant when the adventure ends and she is lifted back into the van for the ride home.

Once Briva gets home, she flops down on her giant dog bed and drifts off to sleep. She's claimed this as her own spot to stretch out and snore contentedly. Briva has seen three kids grow up and leave home and she's been the family protector and guardian for them for all those years. Fiercely loyal, yet surprisingly gentle, great Danes make ideal family dogs. They are intelligent, affectionate and strong, and they provide a sense of security like few other dogs. Briva is in retirement now and doesn't get up as quickly when there is a knock at the door. In fact, the sound of kibble in her food dish is about the only thing that makes her move quickly these days. But all of this is perfectly fine with her family.

Snore away Big Doggy. You've earned the right.

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