Feed Colorado Kickoff 2019

6 years ago

For 19 years, Feed Colorado, the statewide campaign started by Arc Thrift Stores and Volunteers of America, has been helping combat the issue of hunger and food scarcity in Colorado. Denver7 is the exclusive media partner and has helped the campaign become one of Colorado’s largest food drives. It is the collective hope of all three organizations to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of families and individuals in Colorado. Last year, Feed Colorado collected more than 80 tons of food and delivered 594,320 meals, all of which benefited many different programs, including Meals on Wheels. This year, the program kicks off March 1 and the goal is to collect and distribute 90 tons of food. The campaign is looking for donations of non-perishable food such as rice, beans, pasta, peanut butter, canned goods -- like vegetables and fruit -- soup, cereal, and juice.

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