Howling Dog Makes Baby Girl Happy After Walking Into Room

5 years ago

Huskies - if you didn’t see all that fur, you might think that they are just tiny grumbling toddlers. If you saw the fur, then you’d know that they are just not so tiny grumbling toddlers with an ability to withstand the toughest of winters. They’ll probably whine about that too, but they’ll make it through unscathed. It seems that whatever we do, they’ll find a reason to sneak in a disapproving look. But we love them anyway.

How could we not, when we know that each protest ends up with a scratch and the most beautiful of smiles ever?! They might pretend they are the broodiest dog breed ever, but deep inside, they are just like any other dog, a furry ball that just loves to play, eat and cuddle up to a friend. If you don’t think such situation is possible with these puppers, you definitely should check out the following video.

If there is one thing huskies are absolutely mad about, it’s food. Okay, this might apply to most dogs, but huskies are extremely vocal about this, so we’ll just crown them as the supreme food enthusiasts. Unfortunately, this means that living with more than one husky pupper at a time can be quite the challenge, just take a look at this owner’s everyday routine.

The red husky really wants the other's food, but she is pretty picky and doesn't eat it half the time. However, she always taunts and yells at the red husky if she tries to get any. They do this almost every day! How insane is that!

Huskies make for great pets. They are very protective of their own, making them look quite stubborn from time to time, but it’s all in good nature. Husky owners know that it’s a delight to have them in your home. They might not always follow your commands, but just remember that you own a living being with its own character and not a mindless computer, and you’ll be able to experience the husky charm.

As we all know it can be very difficult at times to get our children out of bed without making a big fuss. Parents in particular can very much relate to this situation. However this kind Husky has everything under control since it does it with perfection, let alone the fact that he wakes up this little baby with a smile on her face. Take a look!

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