Budgie Loves Preening Doggy Best Friend

6 years ago

We have to admit that sometimes the actions of our pets don’t make much sense to us. Did they chew on the couch because they thought it was a ginormous juicy bone? Did they trash the room because it wasn’t to their liking? We guess that we’ll never get the answers. One of the other things that doesn’t make much sense is how a parrot can confuse a woman’s hair for a basin of water or even dust. It’s not even the same consistency!

Birds and other mammalians have a rather unique technique of maintaining their hygiene. Similar as to how humans would use water, pigs would roll in mud, they use dust. Naturally it all varies from species to species, but the most common way of doing it is burrowing in the sand or in a recently upturned ground and batting at the ground in order to release the tiny particles that later fly in the air. The birds then spread their wings and help the dust particles reach their skin. This way they can easily fend off parasites and sometimes even release pheromones, marking their territory in the ground. If something is amiss, they would use their beak to peck at it and clean themselves thoroughly.

On the other hand we have adorable doggies. They’re furry and cuddly and full of so much love, but they’re not perfect. Dogs are capable of doing things out of their character just like humans. The first, and perhaps most important, the result is that overall pet owners tend to laugh more frequently than individuals who are not living with companion animals. And why is that you ask? Because they always find themselves in a funny situation or they make something that makes us laugh! So what is it that dogs are doing which makes us laugh? Here is one hilarious video of a dog who runs as fast as lightning! It made us laugh so much we hope it will make you laugh too!

Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal - all these complementary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell about you, if only it could talk. And this is very clear as this video proves just that. Go ahead, take a look!

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