The Dark Night of the Soul ∞ Energy Exchange

5 years ago

**The most important thing to remember during this time is that, the more spiritual practices you invest your time in— especially during the dark night— such as (yoga, meditation, grounding practices, visualizations, research on your life’s purpose/ spiritual journey, journaling/ free writing, having a healthier diet by starting “small” [only because you want to], etc.) the more “help” you receive to feel more aligned with your higher self.

We experience the high-highs and the low-lows because this is our way of finding balance, in our own unique way, between overindulgence and complete lack of.**

Helpful Tips to Practice During the Dark Night:

• Go to the place your higher self would stay: Who is my higher self? What are they like? What kind of shoes do they wear? What would they do/ say to help comfort someone else, in my current situation?

• What is 1 thing you can do today to make tomorrow a better day?

• Grounding—Method 1: Grab your shoes, go outside and fast walk until you’re not thinking about anything else except for your immediate surroundings and how tired your legs are. (Please be mindful of weather conditions— the point to this is that it helps reset your vibration by focusing on the present moment, and releasing anxiety/ anger/ stress.)

• Grounding—Method 2: Put on some high-vibe music and dance! While you dance, try to visualize the perfect life for you, and if you can, what good you want out of the current situation you are in. This is a great way to reset your vibration, and will hopefully help to get you out of your current state of mind.

• Grounding—Method 3: Get some sleep! Rest is the best way to allow your body to rejuvenate and reset your current thinking into a way that may be more helpful to your situation. Really try to listen to your body, if you feel like you have to choose between junk food/ unhealthy habits (to make yourself feel better), and rest. Go for rest!!!

• When you have mental clutter, one of the best ways to release anxiety and anger is to transfer your thoughts onto paper. Free-write. You’ll be surprised by how much you can write down in just a few minutes. Doing so will create a space for mental liberation, clarity and the physical exhaustion from those thoughts will disappear—temporarily—. Of course, this way only allows you to see the anxiety/ anger from a better perspective so you know your next move, rather than physically handling the problem entirely.

Helpful Videos to Watch During this Time:
• PowerThoughts Meditation Club: Root Chakra Meditation ➤ Activating Qi Flow —

• Meditation Vacation: Guided meditation - Reiki self healing for pain and relaxation —

• PowerThoughts Meditation Club: Detachment From Overthinking & Worries: A GUIDED MEDITATION ➤ Deep Healing & Rejuvenating Energy —

• Mel Robbins and the 5 second rule to get you out of bed —

• Business Inside: What Tony Robbins Does Every Morning —

• Victor Oddo on How To Easily (Re - Set Your VIBRATION), After A Period Of Indulgence —

• Victor Oddo on Empaths: (Signs, Traits, & 3 ESSENTIAL Self Care Rituals) —

• Wildlife Aid: Starving swan goes mad for food —

• Victor Oddo on Negative Entities: (How To Deal With Negative, Astral Entities/Beings/Energy) —

• Stargirl the Practical Witch on How To Cleanse Your House Of Negative Energy —

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