Passenger van almost runs off road trying to merge

6 years ago

A passenger van carrying school children and speeding down the highway almost ends in disaster when it starts to lose control while attempting to merge into traffic.

On this stretch of highway, the left lane ends and cars have plenty of time to merge beforehand. But it is apparent that the van driver wanted to get ahead of the traffic as he makes no attempt to more over to the right lane. Instead he just speeds up and lets the lane run out and then he tries to move over. This is where he almost ends up running off the highway.

You can see as the van is in the left passing lane and had time to merge over to the right lane. You can see this in the first part of the rear camera video footage. There is clearly room behind the car. Instead of trying to safely change lanes, he passes the dashcam owner's vehicle and the other cars in front. He tries to squeeze in at the last possible second and barely makes it. But not before kicking up a little dirt.

The driver of the passenger van really should not have risked the children's lives. There are reports everyday of accidents involving school buses. Especially cases when cars pass stopped school buses. But in this case the driver knows better and shouldn't be the one with the risky driving behavior.

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