14 Painful Truths About Having Long Hair

6 years ago

Here are 14 painful truths about having long hair.

#Truth #LongHair #Women


There are a million things to complain about when you have long hair. It’s annoying, it’s frustrating and it gets in the way all the time. As much as long-haired people love to hate their manes, the truth is they wouldn’t have it any other way. Once you have long hair it’s part of your identity and shorter styles are out of the question. Who would you be without your flowing ponytails or barrel curls?

Long hair can be a pain in the butt, but if you know how to take care of it and take the right steps, it can be a blessing! So, now that you know 14 of the most painful truths about having long hair, here are some ways you can tame that mane and maintain its health!

Protein. The American Academy of Dermatology states that protein can help improve hair growth and give you stronger, healthier hair. Low protein intake can result in weaker hair and slowed growth. So if you want to improve the health of your hair and make it stronger and healthier, make sure that your diet is high in protein. Try eating foods like salmon, tuna, chicken, and other forms of protein to maintain and improve the health of your hair!

Coconut Oil: Healthline states that coconut oil can help improve the condition and health of your hair. This is because coconut oil protects hair by preventing protein loss. Rubbing coconut oil on your hair before or after you wash it can also help to prevent damage. It can also help you hair grow because it reduces breakage and moisturizes.

Avoid washing every day. Although it is important to wash your hair every few days, you should avoid washing it everyday, says Healthline. This is because washing your hair strips your hair of its natural oils, which are essential to the growth and health of your hair and can lead to breakage. It also dries out the scalp and lead to split ends. Healthline also states that you should only use enough shampoo to cover your hair, and that you should avoid washing your hair with very cold or very hot water. If you feel like you absolutely have to wash your hair every day, consider dry shampoo. And don’t forget to condition your hair, as this can help moisturize it.

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