17 Things People Born After The Year 2000 Won't Understand

6 years ago

17 things people born after the year 2000 will never understand. If you were born in the new millennium, there’s a large chance that you’ve missed out on a lot of unique and bizarre experiences that only people living in the 80s and 90s could understand.

#Millennials #Nostalgia #Funny


Before the invention of the internet, people had to make due with entertaining themselves in various ways, with technology that has since become obsolete, and to enjoy products that by today’s standards might seem completely ridiculous. Nevertheless, it’s fun to look back at some of the things in our past that might have been awesome at the time but now seem kind of strange or unusual. According to Psychology Today, the millennial generation are people born after the year 1980, so some of you may be able to relate to the things in this video, while others (specifically those born after 2000) probably won’t recognize many of these nostalgic things at all! Maybe you’re a person who grew up in the 80s and 90s, perhaps you were born way before then, or maybe you’re a product of the new millennium. Whatever the case may be, you’re bound to enjoy this list!

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