23 Interesting Facts About Ancient Rome And The Roman Empire

6 years ago

Here are 23 interesting facts about ancient Rome and the Roman Empire. Ancient Rome has long been a part of television shows, movies and documentaries, and this is mostly due to its large scale empire and its intimidating army. Let’s not forget the intellectuals and philosophers that Ancient Rome produced which led to what is known today as mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, and many other sciences.

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6. Plumbing: Ancient Rome was one of the first places to have derived a plumbing system. They used the cold water in pipes as a form of air conditioning by running these pipes through houses. Moreover, these same aqueducts would transport water for public baths, latrines and fountains. It would also help remove the waste water into nearby sewage systems which were just neighboring bodies of water.

5. Size of the Roman Empire: Many thought that the Roman Empire was the largest empire in history but in reality it was the 28th largest empire in the world’s history. At its apotheosis, the Roman Empire comprised 12 percent of the world’s population. According to Wikipedia, the largest empires were the British Empire followed by the Mongol Empire.

4. Population: Ancient Rome was rumored to have been at least six times more densely populated than that of present day New York City. It is estimated that just under 57 million people lived in the Roman Empire which covered approximately 4.4 million square kilometers at its peak. Some of its capitals included Rome, Constantinople and Syracuse.

3. The Statue of Liberty: It has been said that the Statue of Liberty was inspired by the Roman pagan goddess, Libertas. Libertas is the Roman goddess of freedom and she represents the freedom of action, freedom from restraint, and also signifies independence, personal rights, along with personal and social liberty.

2. Roman architecture: Roman architecture has once again proven its durability via its concrete structures. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the technology to make concrete was lost for almost 1,000 years. The concrete structures erected by the Romans were so strong that they withstood the elements for nearly 2,000 years, which is a lot longer than any modern day concrete structures.

1. The Colosseum: It has been remarked that if the Roman Colosseum were to be built today it would cost approximately $380 million. The largest amphitheatre ever built was created out of concrete and sand. Surprisingly, the Colosseum was built in what many estimate to be within 6 to 8 years.

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