Baby Dwarf Goat Jumps Up Fence Тo Get А Hug

5 years ago

This short and adorable video of a Nigerian dwarf goat jumping ecstatically into his loving human’s waiting arms is guaranteed to be one of the absolute sweetest things you’ll see all day!

Nigerian dwarf goats are incredibly social and affectionate by nature, and Oak and his cuter than cute twin sister, featured in this clip, prove that beyond questioning. Clearly, they’re loving life on the farm, with all the human attention they can handle, and we just love watching them have the time of their lives. If there’s anything sweeter than the sight of an adorable little animal getting plenty of cuddles and hugs from their attentive human servants, we haven’t come across it yet. And since there definitely aren’t nearly as many goat videos available as there should be (somehow, the dogs, cats, and hedgehogs seem to get most of the available attention), this relative rarity is a keeper that’s worth bookmarking so you can return to it again later. And then again. And we know you’ll be hitting the “replay” button the next time your day, your job, or your family life gets just a little too stressful.

Watching this video made us want to leave our office post haste for life on a farm somewhere, surrounded by the four legged creatures who have so much to offer in the way of affection, entertainment, and a simpler way of living. If only! Fortunately for those of us wage slaves stuck in offices or commuter traffic, we can live vicariously through videos shared by those who are lucky enough to be living the dream—and, as a bonus, we get to enjoy what those fortunate folks enjoy without having to, you know, muck out stalls and haul around bags of feed and all the other chores that can make rural life challenging for us city and suburban folk.

So hit the Play button and get ready to squeal in delight (although hopefully not so loudly that you disturb your coworkers) as this insanely cute scene unfolds before you. And don’t forget to share this one with friends and relatives who need a midday pick me up just as much as you do. Sharing is caring, after all, and we’re guessing that you know at least one person sorely in need of a good chuckle to get them through the rest of the afternoon. You know they’ll thank you for it!

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