Divers Become Completely Surrounded By Bull Sharks

6 years ago

This video of a diver off the coast of Fiji surrounded by bull sharks manages to be both soothing and kind of a nail biter at the same time. Soothing, insofar as it shows lovely footage of colorful fish (and the aforementioned bull sharks) swimming by gracefully, flowing with ease along the ocean’s currents. And kind of a nail biter, because—OMG! Sharks! Bull sharks! SO CLOSE to these divers!

While sharks in general tend not to view humans as food, bull sharks are among the more aggressive species of sharks (although they still take a back seat to their formidable cousin, the Great White). So it’s best not to tangle with them unless absolutely necessary, and we definitely don’t recommend that anybody watching this video go off to grab his own camera and scuba gear and head off to search for a close encounter with sharks of his own.

It should also be noted that bull sharks can live in both salty and fresh water, or in brackish waters, and they can even swim up rivers. Bull sharks have been found in the Mississippi River as far north as Illinois. We’re guessing that the Illinois residents who discovered said bull sharks were surprised…to say the least.

And bull sharks are also responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks on humans. So, again—do NOT go off looking for bull sharks on your own! Still, this video is lovely to see, and it’s hard not to get caught up in the soothing sounds of water flowing and the serene sights of ocean life going by as you watch it. It’s also surprising—not to mention joy inspiring—to see how calmly these fearsome ocean predators glide right alongside the variety of smaller fish, who they could undoubtedly snap up with a single bite of their massive jaws, if they were so minded.

We’ve found that having this particular video playing in the background while we work is almost as good—and nearly as calming—as having an aquarium tank set up in our office, a dream we still hope will become a reality one day!. So if you haven’t hit the Play button yet, now’s a good time to do so. And get ready to hit the Share button as well, because somewhere out there is a shark loving friend who you just KNOW is going to love watching this one! So sit back, and enjoy the ride.

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