Adorable otter looks like a maniac when eating

6 years ago

People love otters! And how could they not?! I mean, otters are some of the most adorable animals in the world! They just make you want to snuggle with them!! However, that would probably be a very bad idea… otters are super cute, that's a fact, but that doesn't mean they are cute all the time. Otters are carnivores; they eat mainly fish, but also crustaceans, insects, amphibians and molluscs, so they must have specialized teeth for it… have you ever seen an otter eating?! It looks more like a maniac than the fluffy animal we're used to seeing! A bite like that can chop off a finger, so I would refrain from trying to pet an otter if I were you!

The animal in the video had to be rescued at a young age, and it was rehabilitated at an otter center, where it now lives. Although it is very used to people feeding it, its wild nature remains.
The Neotropical Otter (Lontra longicaudis) is a river otter native to South and Central America. There are three recognized subspecies of Neotropical Otters: Lontra longicaudis annectens, Lontra longicaudis enudris, and Lontra longicaudis longicaudis. However, this classification is still uncertain, and there are three other possible subspecies: Lontra longicaudis colombiana, Lontra longicaudis incarum, and Lontra longicaudis raferrous.

They share the Lontra genus with the North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis), the Southern River Otter (Lontra provocax), the Marine Otter (Lontra feline), and the extinct Weir's Otter (Lontra weiri).

Otters belong to the very diverse Mustelidae family, the largest family in the order Carnivora, along with weasels, badgers, martens, mink, wolverine, tayra, grisons, polecats, fisher, and ferret-badgers. In spite of the varieties, all members are short-legged, have round ears and a thick fur.

Next time you want to keep an otter as a pet, remember this video! Otters are wild animals, and should remain like that!

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