The Best Careers For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

6 years ago

The best careers based on your zodiac sign. Many of us believe in the power of the zodiac sign. There are people out there who live their lives based on what the stars tell them about their sign. For example, some people read up on which sign they’re compatible with.

Best careers based on zodiac.
1. Aries: 1:21
2. Taurus: 2:42
3. Gemini: 3:56
4. Cancer: 4:50
5. Leo: 5:48
6. Virgo: 6:59
7. Libra: 8:04
8. Scorpio: 8:56
9. Sagittarius: 9:55
10. Capricorn: 10:53
11. Aquarius: 11:36
12. Pisces: 12:14

How many children will you have based on zodiac.
1. Aries: 13:28
2. Taurus: 14:06
3. Gemini: 14:47
4. Cancer: 15:17
5. Leo: 15:48
6. Virgo: 16:16
7. Libra: 16:47
8. Scorpio: 17:08
9. Sagittarius: 17:41
10. Capricorn: 18:11
11. Aquarius: 18:44
12. Pisces: 19:14

#ZodiacSigns #Zodiac #Careers


Aries – The ram’s bravery is overwhelming, leading to success in competitive or sales-based jobs. Aries are the authoritative types. This means that they never slack off. In fact, they tend to put 100 percent of their effort into every single thing they do. They are extremely competitive and absolutely hate losing. According to astrologer Dr. Athena Perrakis, Aries have more stamina than any other sign, and when they have a goal, they go at it at full force. They don't give up until they've accomplished their goal. Dr. Perrakis also states that aries tend to start businesses and sit in high level positions. She says that good career options for someone who is an aries include ownership or managerial positions. Aries tend to question authority, which is why they would excel in these types of positions. Another great career path for an Aries is a position in Human Resources. This is because an Aries is a people person. They are intuitive and can often accurately assess someone's character. They are driven, ambitious, and very instinctual.

Taurus – Bulls love beauty and stability, making them ripe for jobs that have built in benefits. Their strong, commanding voices also do well in large groups. Tauruses are also all about the money. They know how to make money, and then make even more of it. Because they are so intelligent, they are also great with numbers, too. Dr. Perrakis says that because of this, anyone who is a Taurus would be a great financial advisor, accountant, or investor. She states that Tauruses are conservative, shrewd, and intuitive. They don't waste money and are great with keeping their finances in order. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder and one of the richest people on earth is a taurus! So if you're a taurus, consider a career in finance, business, or banking.

Gemini – The twins are tough to fulfill with a repetitive or tedious job, as their volatility needs change and stimulation. They work well in oft-changing roles, and take to travel easily. And according to Dr. Perrakis, Geminis are extremely intelligent. They can understand complex ideas and solve very challenging and complicated problems. This is why geminis would make great translators, professors, or teachers. They are eloquent with their words and would also make great public speakers. And because geminis are so eloquent with their words, they would be great politicians or debators. No wonder Anderson Cooper - one of the most famous correspondents and news analysts of modern time, is a gemini!

Cancer – These astrological mother's excel at jobs where they nurture children, and work very well in positions where they are taking care of others. Cancers are also notorious for being emotional. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and aren't afraid to show it. They love taking care of people and nurturing them, especially if they are family members. Dr. Perrakis says that cancers also make excellent chefs, and would succeed in a career as a professional cook or restaurant owner or manager. A cancer would also thrive in a nursing home or as a nurse in a hospital. This is because they are great nurturers and are extremely warm-hearted.

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