17 Shower Habits That You Need To Ditch Now

6 years ago

These are the 17 shower habits that you need to ditch. Most people have adapted somewhat of a routine when it comes to jumping in the shower. Whether you limit yourself to a military shower or you like to indulge in a drenched dance party, there are some common habits we’ve all naturally acquired into our cleaning process. While you might think you have mastered the art of showering by now, there are some routine things many of us do that aren’t actually that healthy for us. This video will show you what habits you should probably ditch, and at the end we’ll provide you with some tips about healthy shower habits you should add to your routine!

The best shower practices for healthy hair and skin can come down to more than simply washing both. You may have established your own personal routine, but it could also be affecting you in ways you’d never thought of.

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3. Change your loofah every 3 weeks. When you use a loofah to scrub off the dead skin cells on your skin, these cells become lodged in the loofah, which makes it a perfect place for bacteria to grow, according to dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD. Loofahs also contain all sorts of fungal organisms that can actually lead to some pretty bad skin infections, Dr Piliang says. She recommends cleaning your loofah weekly and replacing it every month.

2. Work top to bottom: According to Dr. Lauren Ploch, a board-certified dermatologist with the American Academy of Dermatology, you should focus on showering top to bottom to let the soap work its way down. And while it's important to clean your arms and legs, you should focus on cleaning the dirtiest areas like your feet, underarms, and groin. Seems like common sense, right? You'd be surprised!

1. Shave last. According to Dr. Jessica Krant, another board-certified dermatologist with the American Academy of Dermatology, your hair needs to soften before shaving. Shave at the end of a short shower so that your hair is damp but not too swollen from the heat. This can cause your hair to swell, leading to ingrowns.

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