16 Money Saving Hacks You Have To Try

6 years ago

Here are 16 hacks for saving money literally everywhere.

#Money #SaveMoney #MoneySavingHacks


1. Getting Nails Done: A lot of people love to get their nails done at the salon. These aesthetically pleasing nails, however, can become a serious dent in your bank account. If you want to save money the next time you are going to the salon, search the internet for some coupons. There are a lot of coupons that you can find to get you a manicure for much cheaper than you would have regularly paid.

2. Cheap Food: If yogurt isn’t on sale at your supermarket, you can make your own to save some money. To do this, you can use a cheap Yogurt starter set, which only uses one tablespoon for 500 ml of milk. Making your own yogurt is far from taxing and provides much more content while using much less waste. This process will seriously cut costs at the grocery store for yogurt lovers.

3. Create Your Own Latte: Most people love to go to their coffee shop and get a fancy latte that costs a pretty penny. However, there is a way to get that specialty latte for cheap: make it at home!

4. Make Your Own Dry Shampoo: Dry shampoo can be really expensive, but a lot of people really want or need it regularly. However, you can make dry shampoo at home!

5. Freeze Unused Food: If you have made a big meal and you don’t know what the do with the leftover food, freeze it. Just make sure that you know the food can actually be stored in the freezer first. If it is then it is a great way for you to keep unused food for another day without wasting any of your money.

6. Grow Your Own Food: Vegetables and herbs can get pretty expensive sometimes at the supermarket, but one way to save money is to grow them yourself. You might think you need a garden to do this, but that’s not true at all. The reality is, as long as you have a window, soil, and containers, you can make your own food at home.

7. Buy In Season: If you are going to a big supermarket during the offseason for your fruits and veggies, you are surely spending more money than you should. Instead, try to go to a local store that sells fruits and veggies that are currently in season. You will be saving a lot of money that you can spend elsewhere.

8. Reuse Zipper Bags: Those plastic zipper bags that we use to put our opened packaged food into usually get thrown in the trash when we are done with them. However, anyone who uses these bags regularly knows that they are pretty expensive. To cut costs, try reusing these bags. All you have to do is wash them out. They should be able to get a few more uses before they tear.

9. Empty Jars: If you have any empty jars laying around the house, you can use them to store certain foods. We tend to think that when we are done with the items in a jar, we should throw them out.

10. Reuse Envelopes: If you were sent a card and you still have the envelope then you can reuse it. We know that it really isn’t that expensive to get new envelopes if you need them, but hey, sometimes every penny counts.
11. Price Match: A lot of supermarkets have a deal where, if you find the same item cheaper at another store, they will match the price.

12. Fresh Car Dryer: A lot of people who own a car spend a lot of money on car fresheners. These fresheners tend to run out of scent pretty fast, which only results in you running out to go get more.

13. Student and Senior Discounts: When you are a student or a senior, there are a lot of deals tailor-made for you. These deals can range from things like theater tickets to transit passes.

14. Cleaning Products: We take the cleanliness of our homes seriously. We are willing to spend a lot of money on cleaning products to make sure that we get the right item. However, a lot of these items can be found at the dollar store.

15. Clothesline Dryer: If you live in a house or apartment that requires you to pay for your heating and hydro, you’re probably well aware that using the dryer (if you have one) can become expensive. Using a dryer can even become expensive for someone who has to pay-per-load when using one. Instead of paying more for a dryer, use a clothesline to dry your clothes.

16. Cheap Makeup: We tend to think the more money we spend on a product, the better it’s going to be. This may be true for some products, but it’s not always true when it comes to makeup. There are a lot of companies that make beauty products for cheap, and they are just as good as the expensive brands.

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