7 Facts And Secrets From Dermatologists That You Should Know

5 years ago

Has your dermatologist told you about these facts and secrets? Dermatology is defined as the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and diagnosis of skin disorders. The human skin, on average, covers an area of 2 square meters, it accounts for 15 percent of our body weight and on average weighs about 9 pounds (with 11 miles of blood vessels too). So it is no surprise that dermatologists have to deal with a person’s entire body.

#Dermatologist #SkinCare #Skin

1. Sunscreen:
2. Dermatologists are doctors:
3. Infections can do a lot of damage to the body:
4. Cleaning your face:
5. Expensive doesn’t always mean the best:
6. Drink water - and lots of it:
7. Shaving:


1. Sunscreen: Dermatologists ALWAYS advise the use of sunscreen. Sun damage isn’t solely determined by the naked eye; a UV lamp would paint a much better picture. In the United States, melanoma kills one person every hour. This is why dermatologists always recommend using sunscreen, even if you will be out in the sun for shorter periods of time. It protects your skin and will help you in the long run. Although this should be common knowledge, dermatologists say that most people don’t actually know how dangerous the sun can be, and recommend wearing sunscreen for this very reason.

Not only does your body need protection from the sun's harmful rays, but sunscreen can also help prevent skin discolorations as well as facial brown spots. Sunscreen can also reduce the appearance of veins and blotchiness and even slows down aging skin. Wearing sunscreen can help slow down the development of wrinkles! And, most importantly, scientists have discovered that cancer rates are significantly on the rise - and sun screen is a proven method of reducing the risk of developing skin cancer.

2. Dermatologists are doctors: Dermatologists are ‘skin care doctors’. They specialize in the care of skin, the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, and more. They are required to go to medical school and treat medical conditions and also perform operations for skin cancers such as melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinomas.

3. Infections can do a lot of damage to the body: The skin can be a marker for a lot of things that are going on inside the body. Vasculitis, for example, can be indicative of an infection, lupus, autoimmune disease or rheumatoid arthritis. Some skin infections don’t have the most pleasant smell. Fungal infections and oozing skin are not generally things that smell great and pus that is drained from cysts and abscesses can downright stink.

4. Cleaning your face: It is always recommended to use a ‘comedone’ or a blackhead extractor tool when getting rid of blackheads. Using your fingers to clean your face can leave your skin pinched or inflamed and can also spread infections. Dermatologists also advise patients not to pick their scabs or pimples with their fingers. This only leads to scarring and puts more dirt and oil on the face or scab. Dermatologists recommend cleaning your face daily, exfoliating, and avoiding touching your face with your hands at all costs. Cleaning your face doesn’t have to be rough and violent, dermatologists say. It is recommended to use a mild, non-soap cleanser to wash your face about once or twice a day.

5. Expensive doesn’t always mean the best: This is a secret that the beauty industry has been trying to hide from people for years. The truth is, the most expensive moisturizers aren’t always the best ones. Dermatologists recommend instead looking for ones that have ceramides because they are one of three types of fats that can help the skin retain water and thus moisture.

6. Drink water - and lots of it: This may seem like common knowledge, but believe it or not, most people don’t know the importance of staying hydrated. There are all sorts of benefits to drinking water. Not only does it flush out toxins and improve your complexion, but it also provides people with energy, boosts their immune system, helps with weight loss, and can even help reduce the appearance of blemishes on your face.

7. Shaving: Shaving hair, whether for men or women, does NOT cause it to come back thicker. Dermatologists recommend not shaving when possible as it can irritate the skin and cause ingrown hairs. Shaving also dries out your skin if not done properly, and can leave welts, marks, and cuts over your skin.

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