Regardless of Species, Boys will be Boys

6 years ago

Whitetail deer have a fairly predictable lifestyle that repeats itself year to year. Does and fawns have an extremely close bond and stick tightly together throughout the year. If an adult doe does not have a fawn the following year, a female offspring from the previous year may remain with it's mother for a second year or more. The females remain together year round. Male deer, known as bucks, on the other hand, are a whole other story. Bucks are more of loners and they have no parental interests at all. Where a doe will fearlessly protect its offspring, a buck has no such interest. Bucks will hang out in small bachelor groups where it is usually a pair of bucks, possibly 3, that seem to travel together and socialize. This is typical through the months of December through October. The month of November is an entirely different ballgame. Breeding season is the time bucks become aggressively combative, often downright crazy. Vying for the attention of the lovely does, mature bucks fight it out for the right to claim all of the girlfriends they can. Bucks occasionly will fight to the death for their lustful conquests. Their cautious nature disappears in November and they have a one-track mind. It is breeding season. Bucks exert so much time and energy at this time of year that they often enter the harsh winter season in a compromised state of health, having lost a significant percentage of their weight. Not the ideal scenario. The buck in this video may have been out chasing does and carousing all night. Typical male, gets home late and has a snack, followed by a lengthy pee, a big yawn and stretch, and it's off to bed for a while. Get some rest and then it's another day of fighting the boys and chasing the girls.

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