Cute Bush Baby Plays Tag With Owner

6 years ago

When we go home after a long working day, tired, stressed out, hungry and nervous, all we want to do is relax and enjoy a quiet evening. Often we spend that time on our laptops or our phones watching funny videos of dog and cats. However, today we have something more unique, a cute and funny animal that will change your whole perspective on cute animals and we think that these animals are underrated and should be on the top of the list of cutest videos.

We are talking about galagos, and they are absolutely definition of cuteness! Noble is an adorable little galago (also known as a bush baby), always playing and being mischievous. Here he is playing tag with his owner. Too cute! Just take a look at those big black sweet eyes, they are enchanting.

Galagos are also known as bush babies, and they are cute animals with large eyes and ears, really soft fur and a long tail that will make you crazy about them and want one for a pet right away! They live throughout East Africa and most often, they live in tree hollows that provide shelter.

These squirrel-sized mammals are exceptionally agile, ready to jump unimaginable distance and move quickly through the treetops. They are omnivorous, and the blended eating routine incorporates insects, little-feathered creatures, eggs, natural products, seeds, and tree gum.

What makes them these animals such great pets is the fact that they are very friendly and they love to live in family groups. They are called bush babies because of their big, sad eyes and because of their cry that sounds exactly like a baby crying and of course their cute appearance. They are so small and sweet, and you can carry them in your pocket wherever you want.

However, if you are considering to have a galago as a pet, you should know a couple of things before you take one and these tips are essential. They additionally have specific biological necessities. For instance, they require large spaces with climbing structures, concealing spots where they can withdraw for wellbeing and rest amid the day, and different things to animate their interest. It is essential to nourish bushbabies a fluctuated eating routine that incorporates organic products, vegetables, and live insects.

They are also very active animals. They like to play, climb trees, and they also love hopping and jumping. However, of course, every animal has some pros and cons. The bad side of these cute animals is that when walking, they mark their urine on the ground and that is because they are dominant animals love to mark their territory.

All species of galago produce species-specific 'loud calls' or 'advertisement calls.' These calls have multiple different functions. One function is long-distance identification and differentiation of individual species, and scientists are now able to recognize all known galago species by their 'loud calls.’ They are so unique!

Don’t forget to share this cute video with your friends and family!

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