Students Take Down Another Student Who Attacked Elderly Teacher

6 years ago

"I was doing my work and I just looked up and she was on the floor shaking and stuff," said Nelson. "Like her head was messed up."

"He ran up on the old lady hit her, pushed her on the ground and hit her again," said Brandon Antisdel. "That's not something anybody should do, especially to an old lady."

"All of a sudden I hear bang, bang and I'm sitting there like, what happened?” said John O'Neal.

Brandon Antisdel and two other students went after the boy as he ran out of the classroom. They were outraged he attacked the woman.

"My friend Keiontay and my man John, we all felt offended by it because that's somebody's grandmother," Antisdel said. "So he ran out and we chased him down."

Detroit Public Schools Community District says the student went after the teacher because she told administrators he brought drugs to school.

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