Scorpion fish has deadly sting and near perfect camouflage

6 years ago

The scorpion fish is only a foot long yet it packs a sting powerful enough to cause severe illness and even death. They are a bold fish that can hide in the open with their near perfect camouflage. Their skin and fins are colored to blend in with the stones and coral where they live. They hide under rocks and in crevices during the day, but can occasionally be found lying on top of rough surfaces where they remain motionless. This makes them almost invisible.

These divers in the Cayman Islands were drifting over the coral on their way back to the boat at the end of a dive. Found on the top of a coral head in less than 30 feet of water, it did not move, even when approached. A sharp-eyed dive master noticed the scorpion fish and called the group over for a close look. They are a rare find for scuba divers because there are very few on the reef. Spotting them is an even rarer occurrence because they lie motionless and blend in so well with their surroundings. Only the slight eye movement gives this fish away.

The spines of the scorpion fish are covered with a venomous mucous that contains a powerful neurotoxin. Anything foolish enough to touch this fish would be met with a very painful sting. This is followed soon after by intense burning and swelling, headache, abnormal heart rate, cramps, shortness of breath, vomiting, paralysis, and possibly death.

Most human contact with scorpion fish is accidental. Their camouflage makes them so difficult to see that a scuba diver is most likely to put their hand on one, mistaking it for coral.

The scorpion fish is an effective predator, coming out of hiding at night to hunt of smaller fish. They lie in wait for their prey to swim close and then they lunge and inhale sharply to draw the fish into their mouth.

The scorpion fish is a perfect example of how the ocean is a complex world full of beauty and danger. We are wise to always remember that we are guests in the underwater world and we must be respectful and careful at all times. Improper behavior in this domain can have immediate and severe consequences.

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