This Is The Coldest Permanently Inhabited Place On Earth

6 years ago

This video is incredibly interesting, especially for those who enjoy and are interested with geography and/ or weather. The video depicts what is referred to as the “coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth.” The video features Oymyakon, Russia.

The ground in this region is permanently frozen, and snow covers everything in sight. Most Americans say that they enjoy the sight of immense snow, and it is considered one of the most beautiful natural sights on the planet. However, those who do not have to live in these kinds of conditions often do not realize how taxing and how difficult it can be. Think about trying to hang your clothing out to dry if you do not own an electric dryer. What would happen? Your clothes would just freeze!

It can also be very easy to get disoriented and “turned around” in these conditions. This is because the snow coats every single surface that exists, so there are no visual landmarks for people to go on to figure out where they are. This makes these regions extremely dangerous to live in. The people who live in extreme weather conditions like these are most of the time families whose ancestors have lived there for generations. Children grow up here, and they learn how to intelligently work the land and thrive here.

Oymyakon, Russia, is a remote village located in Siberia. It is 927 km away from the nearest city. Its name comes from the Oymyakon River. This name translated means “unfrozen patch of water.” The village has endured record breaking temperatures of negative 71.2 degrees Celsius. When regions like this are located where they are on the globe, and they have these extreme weather and climates, they do not have a great deal of sunlight. In the winter, the days can even be just three hours long. That means that 21 hours of the day are spent in pitch black darkness.

It is so cold here that most electronics are actually rendered useless. This can be a major issue if you were to get lost in this region because you would not have access to any kind of GPS device.
Car engines need to be kept running at all times to keep them from freezing, but that does not prevent a population of 500 residents from living here. The grozen ground makes it difficult to grow crops for food. Because of this problem, the people here survive on a diet of mainly meat from horses, reindeer, and fish.

Tourists flock to this region, surprisingly. They are met with beautiful landscapes and hand crafted ice sculptures.

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