Why does a cat like a dog?

6 years ago

will talk briefly. I have a cat and pulls into the street, so as not to let him go for free range, bought him a harness and almost every day my grandmother goes for a walk with him near the house (grandma lives next door and that she was bored, she picks up the cat ), but yesterday Goleman was punished and left without a walk, but grandma came as usual to take a walk with a pet and we decided to give our pupils the Xenia, when Xenia took another one of my cat Jack straight crazy, running around the corners, cried and I shouted and sat mewing at the door, so the hour until it was Susie he suffered when she was brought, he ran around her, purred, even licked(which is not typical for him, he does not even lick himself), and even today when I took Ksenia in his arms, he ran up and began to stretch her legs, like give it to me, do not take it... when walking with another cat I think he didn't even notice his absence... surely between cats have some sort of relationship like love? did anyone else have one of these?

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