Clever puppy patiently waits for his dinner

6 years ago

With very little training Charlie the french bulldog has learnt to be patient when it comes to meal times. Charlie loves meal times more than anything else and would eat and eat and eat if allowed. In the past Charlie would dive straight in to his bowl once his food was served but has now learnt to sit and wait for his owner to tell him when to go.
Dogs love being rewarded particularly with food/treats but some can get so excited at receiving a reward they forget their doggie manners. Whether your dog is too grabby with toys or dives in to their food bowl at mealtimes there are some steps you can take to prevent/stop this impulsive behavior.
Teaching a dog to wait for food can be difficult at first but with little training they will soon learn to be more patient. If you want to work on impulse control it is important to introduce a key word/cue such as "wait" when dishing out your dogs treats.
This type of training requires a humane approach by teaching your dog an alternate behaviour.
Firstly put a treat/food in your dogs bowl and hold the bowl at chest level. Then ask your dog to sit and start to lower the food bowl towards the ground. Ask your dog to "wait", if they are able to sit still in one place whilst you lower the bowl towards the ground praise them for doing well. If your dog decides to move then raise the bowl or remove the bowl from the ground and repeat.
Once your dog has mastered sitting still whilst you lower the bowl/place it on the ground wait a few seconds then give your dog another cue such as "go" so your dog knows it is okay to go forward to their treat.
Over time you will notice your dog already sitting and waiting for his food to be served before he dives in and waiting on your cue to go.

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