Galapagos Underwater marine wildlife

6 years ago

This is a video of the best moments from my trip to the Galapagos Islands. I was able to play with sea lions, swim with schools of hammerheads and eagle rays, and was wondered by the giants and amazing Manta Rays. The sea lions behave almost like dogs, they come to you and try to play with you, specially the younger ones. They make a sound very unique when they are around you, wich you can hear briefly in this video. The penguins were hunting and very funto watch. The hammerheads and their school were amazing, around 30m (90feet) the school started to swim around our group, and two of the biggest members came closer to inspect us. It´s amazing how such a different creature can still look you directly in the eye, as he was swimming in circles around me, I was trying to capture the moment and he was trying to be sure I was no threat to his group. The most amazing animal was the Manta Ray. You stand ground in a very strong current, and wait for them. When they come soaring, flying, so gigantic and yet so gentle, is one of the greatest sights I have ever seen. I couldn´t stop crying as their group of 5 or 6 hovered 4m above our heads. They were curious and very friendly as all Mantas. When this dive was about to end, we saw a black tip shark and some hammerheads, I was following them, and when I looked up, I saw this amazing school of spotted eagle rays. There were hundreds, if not thousands of them. I made around 16 dives in Galapagos, and every single one of them, brought me unique feelings, experiences, challenges and a sense of joy, that no other place got me yet. The music is my own composition and recording.

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