Turtle swimming by

6 years ago

A curious sea turtle, swimming near the camera, at Laje de Santos, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. One day after my birthday, I booked a dive in Laje de Santos. Best decision ever. This is a marine state park, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It´s a protected area, where only authorized boats can entry and stay. This day, the water was amazingly clear (20m+) and warm (26C), and life is always abundant in the region. Turtles are everywhere and in some dives you can get to see more than 20 of them. Many schools of fish and a shipwreck lies at 25m depth. This day had no strong currents, so me and my buddy could explore the entire lenght of this "island". From depths from 5m to 40m, is a dive site suitable for begginers and experienced divers, always providing a great experience. In this specific shot, I used the new GoPro 7, wich has great stabilization and color balance. This video has no post production, and the colors seem right. This turtle got very curious of me, and started coming and going for 10 or more minutes. You can see another turtle in the background and there was another one sleeping in a little cave right under the star of the video. 3 turtles in a single shot is very common thing in this dive site. There is a moment in this video that the turtle seem to get a selfie shot, her fin touched the camera as she looked directly into it. As she floated around me, in this crystal clear water, I got to think in all the peace this place brings me, as well as how lucky I am to be able to explore 80% more of the world compared to non divers. Everybody should try at least once, and when the fear is overcome, the joy is endless.

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