Napolitano — Though The FBI Trapped Flynn It's Not 'Entrapment'

6 years ago

On Fox Business Network, a panel addressed former FBI director James Comey‘s claim that agents were able to interview Flynn because of how disorganized the Trump White House was.

“Which is why the [Wall Street] Journal called it ‘entrapment,'” Bartiromo said, referring to an editorial in the Journal that inaccurately described the tactics used by the FBI to interview Flynn as “entrapment.”

Napolitano pointed that out to Bartiromo: “It’s actually — I saw your interview with General [Michael] Mukasey, in my opinion he’s absolutely correct: though they trapped [Flynn], it’s not entrapment. Entrapment is when you resist and resist and resist and they push and push and push.”

“But they did trap him, I agree with that,” Bartiromo replied.

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