McCarthy Urges Dems Not To Investigate Trump For Country's Sake

6 years ago

In a broad-range interview with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer, McCarthy faced questions about whether the Justice Department will move to indict Trump in light of the revelations from the memos from Robert Mueller and SDNY. Trump (AKA Individual 1) was directly tied Michael Cohen‘s illegal hush money payments on his former boss’ behalf, and, as Hemmer noted, this could prompt Democrats to intensify investigations on the president once their new house majority takes form in January.

McCarthy responded by panning Democrats if they go down this path, and he also downplayed Trump’s possible legal problems in this matter.

“I think America is too great of a nation to have such a small agenda. I think there’s other problems out there we should be focused upon. My belief is let’s see where we can work together and move America forward. We’ve investigated this for a long period of time, both sides have come up with nothing in the process. I think we should put the American people first.”

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