Dangerous Rock Slide Rumbled Down On Road

5 years ago

A video went viral on the Internet when a dangerous rock slide rumbled down on the road, almost crushing the bus where one of the passengers took this video. It looks like a terrifying sight, and we can guess how scared where the people inside the bus. This event occurred on November 4, 2018, Buguias, Benguet, Philippines.

Info from Licensor: "This was on a road where landslides and falling rocks are prone. It's a mountain with rocks and trees on top. Suddenly, the bus needed to stop. We saw the falling rocks from the hill and the other side six more motorists were standing and watching.

As a passenger in front, I thought it would be our end because I could see big rocks rolling over and flying towards the bus. One big rock fell over the top of the bus. All of us suffered from shock and panic, but no one was hurt. The road couldn't be opened for there were still big rocks falling." Imagine being in the bus and all of a sudden see the road blocked in front of you, and big rocks rumbling on the road. We hope that nobody got hurt!

Manila's roads have picked up reputation due to the 'fatal' condition of activity in a previous couple of years. However, in spite of the learning of numerous drivers and vehicle proprietors in Philippine's capital is additionally home to probably the most hazardous roads as well, which adds to the rising number of vehicular mishaps recorded amid the ongoing history. In the last five years, there have been recorded 47,000 accidents and damaged roads.

Be that as it may, the mountainous and slope-filled land roads are one of the most dangerous roads also contributes to the record-breaking road accidents in the world.

So, no matter where you live, you should always be careful driving on land roads that are surrounded by mountains, still drive slow, don’t go over the speed limit and keep in mind that reaching your destination safely that is most important.
Imagine the life of those people who live on the roads, such as drivers. They have to be always careful, and their entire livelihood depends on the excellent conditions on the way.

For example, we want to show you a video where a slippery road causes convoy of trucks to spin in succession, and you will be amazed by the way how they managed to deal with this icy road.
A security camera in China has captured the bizarre moment three identical lorries skidded one after another on a wet road. The remarkable clip, which was filmed on Monday in Longyan City in southeastern China's Fujian Province, shows an uphill road that is entirely wet during a day of heavy rain. What makes this footage interesting is that this truck in the first in a convoy of three. As soon as they reach their leader, each one of the succeeding trucks spins in the same fashion.

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