Hungry Puppy Watches Delicious Turkey Roast In The Oven

6 years ago

A Golden Retriever by the name of Brew tries to get the most of what he can from the smell of the oven. This video is hilarious!

Everyone loves these kinds of animal and pet videos. This category of videos is the largest of all the viral video categories, and it has had immensely enormous success in the last decade or so. Few people can say that they have not at some point been taken in and enthralled by at least a few animal videos filled with hilarity. They interrupt the work day of people on a daily basis and bring a welcome lightened sense of comedy to the sometimes mundane routine we all encounter each and every single day.

In this video, viewers see an adorable scene of this sweet pup just dying to get into the oven where there lies the delicious food he is pining after. This little cutie, Brew, sits laid out on the floor to the left of the oven in the kitchen while his human records the video she has shared here on The dog can be seen licking the bottom corner of the oven as he waits. It looks like there is a turkey in the oven cooking. It could be a ham also. This probably means that this video was filmed during a holiday. Being that it was posted and updated at the end of November and early December, this video was most likely filmed over Thanksgiving.
Audiences all around who have seen this video have fallen in love with this adorable dog. Hopefully, he was able to score him some of this delicious meat before the end of the day. Perhaps the family decided it would be alright to share with him a little after everyone was finished eating. Pets around the country celebrate also on holidays when their humans share some table scraps with them!

Many pet owners state that their pets will actually receive their own plate at the end of the day on holidays with big feasts after all the extended family members have left for the day. Of course, if you are going to do this and share part of the meal with your pet, you have to be sure that you are sharing properly approved foods. Meats and most vegetables and sides are perfectly fine according to widely accepted opinions, but pet owners should always steer clear of certain foods while giving their dogs some extra table scraps. These specific foods to avoid are things like pies and desserts. Most foods that are considered sweets are best to not give your dog or other furry family members. Veterinarians have long instructed pet owners to never give their pets any foods with high sugar content.

Rumble is constantly receiving new content every day, many of which are adorable animal videos just like this one. Therefore, if you enjoyed this little cutie, there are plenty more where this one came from! Do not forget to subscribe to Rumble for more hilarious content.

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