Meow, Myself and I - Vain Cat Constantly Watches Herself on TV!

6 years ago

Help! My cat is a self-obsessed TV addict! Part of the ‘Me me me meow’ generation.
The evidence is right here in the video...she is every cat you see here!

In this age of technology and social media it’s not only humans who can become a bit self-obsessed and self-centred. Even my British shorthair cat Dixie is not immune to the lure of this recent obsession.

In the old days a kitten would be happy for a piece of string or a screwed up paper ball flicked across the room. The cats I had in the previous 30 years would have been shocked to see the luxurious lives of the kittens of today who take for granted the modern conveniences like an iPad, and their own Instagram account and personal media manager thrown in as a bonus. Yes, cats today don’t have time to chase birds, they are fame-hungry little divas who practically force their human servants to capture their every cute move or look for posterity.

And what’s made this situation even worse is a few views of my cat Dixie’s video have really gone to her head! (Search “kitten meets her own reflection for the first time’ on Rumble to see what I mean).

Where is all this leading? Well, I’ll leave you to ponder that. Right now I have to get the vacuum out and remove all those screwed up paper balls from under the sofa myself.

Meanwhile I urge you NOT to watch this video...she does not need the encouragement! 😉

*Music used is from the iMovie iOS software - Royalty free.

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