Kim K — Kanye Still Likes Trump But I Recently Educated Him On The Politics

6 years ago

Even though Kanye West has been outspoken in his controversial support of  President Donald Trump, wife Kim Kardashian insists that her husband doesn’t understand “the politics” of the president — but likes his “personality.”

“I feel like he’s very misunderstood and is the worst communicator,” Kardashian said of West in an interview with CNN commentator Van Jones on Wednesday at a criminal justice reform conference.

West is “very not political, actually. He just happens to like Donald Trump’s personality — but doesn’t know about the politics,” said Kardashian. “So I’ve educated him recently.”

She explained: “I know it’s very confusing because when you see someone wearing a red [“Make America great again”] hat, you would think that they are supporting that. But he’s just fighting for free thought and for the freedom to like a person, even if it’s not the popular decision.”

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