FERAL - Daily Chaos

Streamed on:

6-8pm GMT that's 2-4pm EST

Neil Petrie from the Direct Democracy Movement joins Team Chao to discuss the 'progressive' UK, where politicians have created a broken society where their corruption is endemic and respect is fast dying.

We'll chew over the right to referendums - to plebicites - and probably wonder aloud why the deuce at least Nigel Farage isn't shouting from the rooftops for this correction to the current 'democracy' shitefest that delivers this kind of Stasi trash with its laughable 1-in-5 voter 'mandate'.

And we'll probably ponder the WEF's shiny new wrecking ball placeman Mark Carnage, the latest in an established trend of supra-national traitors being installed as national leaders and yet without achieving a single public vote.

Aussie Craig Workman will be comparing notes on trans-continental tyranny, Zero Choice News' Jonathan Mercer will class us with historical context, Restoration Radio's Stephen Lang will remind us to laugh and this 'ere producer will just be glad the bloody sound's going out.

By all means call in to say your piece:-


And I'm taking your comments.

Watch the show:-

- chao.click/rumble
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- dlive.tv/unitynews
- revolution.radio
(Studio A)

Here's to us and bugger plutocracy!

Olly Connelly
Producer, Daily Chaos

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