Know The Cause Too! - Live with Doug Kaufmann

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Doug Talks About: So, a Pharmacist and Nutritionist walk into a bar...

I have known Dr Ross Pelton for 20 years. In addition to his PhD degree, he also is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a Pharmacist! It is always so refreshing to me to meet a physician, nurse or pharmacist who progressed from allopathic medicine to learning the role of nutrition, supplements and exercise in improving overall health. Ross is also a forever student of longevity, and he looks and acts the part perfectly! Of equal importance is he knows what Nystatin and Sporanox are as well as caprylic acid and fish oils. He has published widely on the many benefits of probiotics. Please join us on Tuesday, March 18th from 1-2PM Central Time as I interview Dr Pelton. Feel free to jump in with comments or questions at any time during the show. I think you’ll find him an excellent very well-rounded guest. Join us, please - Doug

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