TENKER 2 Bowl Food Processor Review

2 days ago

Blog: https://marcoscucom.wordpress.com/2024/07/18/tenker-2-bowl-500w-food-processor/

If you have a small to medium sized kitchen this budget priced but surprisingly powerful twin bowl food processor may be all you need.

In the box you receive the motor unit, one metal bowl, one glass bowl, a plastic Lid, 2 four blade slicers, 8 blade guards, two non-slip bases, a sealing ring, and a user guide. For those interested I include a scan of the key pages of the user guide in the video. It is a pity no sample recipe book was included.

Bearing the £49.99 Amazon price in mind I was not expecting too much and feared it might be a cheaply made plastic thing. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. Both the bowls, one heavy duty glass and the other metal, as well as the twin speed motor unit look tough enough to last for years. The eight blades are steel too and are razor sharp. The bowl cover and switch housing are made of plastic but all seems strong enough for me.

Using the device could not be simpler. Carefully push and swivel the two blade assemblies locking them together. Carefully, very carefully, remove the blade covers from each of the eight blades and place the blade unit into the bowl and onto the spindle. Then fit the lid and place the motor unit on top ensuring again that it engages with the spindle. Plug the motor into the power socket and then firmly press the motor unit downwards whilst selecting the button for the desired speed level. Use the other hand to securely seat the bowl on the non-slip base Releasing pressure on the motor unit will stop the operation. Use the level one setting for soft foods, level two for hard. The User Guide says to keep to 30-second bursts only, which is better than the 10-second limitation of some others I have tested, but keep that in mind.

This food processor has a lot going for it. I was impressed by the build quality, the inclusion of both glass and metal bowls and the spare blade set included. The motor seems far more powerful than the 500w power rating would suggest. I see no reason why it should not be able to cope with all the culinary chopping and dicing needs of a single person or couple. However, powerful though it is, this device lacks the blending power of a full size and much more pricey unit.

This is an excellent little gadget with no real drawbacks other than being a bit awkward to store unless you keep it in the box it came in.A great buy indeed for the price.

The Good
Great Build quality
Great price
Powerful motor
Attractive design
Spare Blades Included
Twin speed
Good User Guide

The Bad
No storage bag
30 second pulse limitation
No Recipe Book

Music: YouTube Audio Library: Dove Love - Quincas Moreira

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A new home for my video unboxing reviews and other stuff.

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