"Take me to your Lizard" [excerpt from Douglas Adams]

10 days ago

The narration for this clip is Douglas Adams reading from his 1985 novel ‘So Long and Thanks for All the Fish.’ If you’re unfamiliar with this brilliant and scathingly insightful humourist, you can find the entire BBC miniseries of ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ on my Rumble channel—but even that is no surrogate for actually reading the books. I highly recommend this author.

This particular clip comes from an unreleased portion of my own ‘Ghosting the Machine’ series. While I published a version of the first hour of the show back in 2022, that represented less than half of what I had filmed and sequenced at the time. I have been primarily focused on making music videos recently, but after I clear my plate of the remaining footage I have in that vein, I will be returning to ‘Ghosting the Machine’ and reviving the series—this time parsing it up a bit more finely into 20-to-30-minute segments. However, a conversation I had the other day prompted me to think (not for the first time) that this very short segment really deserves to be its own stand-alone video.

While the video itself is my own work, I claim credit for very little of its contents. Other than the intro and outro, only one image here is my own intellectual property (which I specify in the video). The music in the intro comes from my recently-released song “Hey … what if there were an Everything?”—the curious can find that video in the link below.

Beyond that, video for this short comes from John Carpenter’s cult classic ‘They Live’ as well as Brad Bird’s animated film ‘The Iron Giant’ (credits provided on-screen for these clips). The still images used here come from the internet (no shit), and because of the 2-or-3-year time lapse since I initially sequenced this segment, I have unfortunately lost track of where each image originated specifically. Apologies for not being able to cite the original creators for these—those familiar with my work will know that I am usually quite meticulous about giving credit where credit is due. In any case, because of the plurality of copyrighted material contained here, this video will not be appearing on YouTube (and I know from experience that having ‘fair use’ disclaimers doesn’t actually help). For now, I will only be uploading this video to Rumble and Instagram.

As always, if you appreciate my work, check out my website and Rumble channel to find more of it:

Thank you for watching.

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