Each of our individual immune system is sovereign!

10 days ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

Signaling system, cells are lipid bilayers. I don't care whether you call it an exosome. If it doesn't have a foreign spike protein, it has the self-virome from your X chromosome. The only thing the immune system has to say is, that's not me, that's a monkey, that's mouse, that's cow, that's my identical twin. That's not me.
Your God is sovereign, and every individual's immune system is sovereign. So the sensors this TRPV is a channel, PPAR is intracellular sensor. We're going to sense the inflammation. We're going to turn down the flame. We took all the cannabinoids out of our environment in 1938 and called it marijuana. No marijuana is like, you know, Cheech & Chong are living better than we are. I'm just saying...
Judy Mikovits, PhD - 03/15/2025
National Health Federation conference 70th Anniversary In Dallas, TX with health leaders and pioneers: https://nhf.smallconferences.com

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