The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

4 days ago

The Lost World:

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, dramatised in three parts by Peggy Wells and Barry Campbell.

1: The Monster of Enmore Park 00:00

Being an account of the amazing adventures of Professor E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee and Mr Ed Malone of the Daily Gazette.

The time: 1907.

Professor Challenger: Francis de Wolff
Edward Malone: Kevin McHugh
Lord John Roxton: Gerald Harper
Professor Summerlee: Carleton Hobbs
Gladys: Carole Boyd
McArdle: Henry Stamper
Austin: Paul Gaymon
Mrs Challenger: Norma Ronald
Policeman: Alan Dudley
Chairman: Denis McCarthy

Producer: Betty Davies
Sun 26th Jan 1975
21:03 on BBC Radio 4 FM

The Lost World:
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, dramatised in three parts by Peggy Wells and Barry Campbell.

2: The Edge of Terror 45:56

It was in May 1907 that a small party set out from London in search of the lost world of the Amazon. After travelling by land and by sea, through dense forests, almost impenetrable jungle and sinister swamplands, we finally found ourselves on the very threshold of that lost world.

Professor Challenger: Francis de Wolff
Edward Malone: Kevin McHugh
Lord John Roxton: Gerald Harper
Professor Summerlee: Carleton Hobbs
Gomez: Trader Faulkner
Zambo: Tommy Eytle

Producer: Betty Davies
Sun 2nd Feb 1975
21:03 on BBC Radio 4 FM

The Lost World:
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, dramatised in three parts by Peggy Wells and Barry Campbell.

3: Our Eyes Have Seen Great Wonders 1:31:52

Black night on the Lost World of the Amazon. Around a campfire, surrounded by a thin hedge of thorns, the little expedition stood petrified, listening to something out of black prehistoric darkness, coming nearer and nearer to their flimsy defences.

Professor Challenger: Francis de Wolff
Edward Malone: Kevin McHugh
Lord John Roxton: Gerald Harper
Professor Summerlee: Carleton Hobbs
Chairman: Denis McCarthy
Dr Illingworth: Hector Ross
Gladys: Carole Boyd
William Potts:John Bull

Producer: Betty Davies
Sun 9th Feb 1975
21:03 on BBC Radio 4 FM

Technical Assistance: Jock Farrell, Patience Pratt
Special effects: BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Other effects: Janet Mitchell, Lloyd Silverthorne
and David Greenwood

“Being an account of the recent amazing adventures of Professor George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlea, and Mr E. D. Malone of the ‘Daily Gazette'”.

It's London, 1907. Journalist Edward Malone, rejected by the woman he loves because he is too prosaic, decides to go in search of adventure and fame to prove himself worthy of her. Soon after, he meets Professor George Challenger, a scientist who claims to have discovered a 'lost world' populated by pterodactyls and other prehistoric monsters.

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