Victim Language Can Destroy Your Potential

5 days ago

The way you speak to yourself and others shapes your reality. Victim language—statements like “It’s not my fault,” “I can’t do anything about it,” or “Why does this always happen to me?”—can subtly sabotage your growth and keep you stuck.

Why Victim Language is Dangerous

Reinforces Helplessness: It convinces you that external factors control your life, leaving no room for personal responsibility or action.

Kills Growth: If you blame circumstances, you miss opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve.

Invites Negativity: It attracts similar energy and people who reinforce a mindset of defeat.

Shift Your Language, Shift Your Life

Replace “I can’t” with “How can I?”

Instead of “This is unfair,” say “What can I learn from this?”

Swap “It’s not my fault” for “I’m responsible for what happens next.”

Key Takeaway

Your words are powerful. By eliminating victim language, you reclaim control over your mindset, actions, and future. Speak as if you’re in charge of your life—because you are.

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An Original Story by Brozme
One Word
A Story and a Riddle
A repeat, cause I can.
Revelation 20:7
Amplified Bible

The Final Rebellion
After The Golden Age

7 And when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison (the abyss),
This is the language of the old world. That old HAG, who has finally dragged her last breath across her broken and splintered teeth.
And the people live a thousand years in peace in the Golden Age because the perverse are no longer present. Temptation has been put away. Hallelujah !

Until someone uncovers a vault. The Vault is marked with every symbol known to mankind Danger ⚠️ Danger ⛔️ Danger❗️

Satan had been bound for one thousand years. Someone left the door ajar for just a moment, like a cat, intent on escaping their posh pad. Slipping out of doors in a second; unseen.

Reddiquette a noble name from a noble family, from a long line of Reddiquettes.

Satan chose his candidate rightly. Reddiquette, whose love it is to skirt the edges. He had an affinity for the shadows.

These are the bright golden days when (humanity old spelling) it is now Huemanity, bright and shining sentient beings.

HUEman became, in the classic language; hue became you, as in the differentiation me and hue.
As in:
“How are hue today?”
“Meme doing righties twenty point seven.”
The language has definitely changed in 2900.

If something seemed dark, it felt inviting to him.
Reddiquette found an old riddle. He read it over and over, and no where did the riddler divulge the WORD

Reddiquette began a search in every dark and dank place, to discover the RIDDLER’S Riddle.

For Reddiquette, wasted no less than two years; with the assistance of the whispering of Satan.

The year is 2902. This One Word is the levin which levins the entire lump of civilization.
1 Word to Bind Them All
1 Word to Condemn Them All

It is the one word in our thought-life and of the smallest meaningful unit of speech that can stand by itself; as a noun or as a verb - all-by-itself.

Some would say it is the most questionable word in the English language, and in many other languages too.

It maybe combined with any number of low and debased descriptive adjectives.

It is one of the most powerful intimate of words and on the other end of the spectrum; it is one of the most violent words on record.

This one word may be signaled-out in several hand and full body gestures. The name “Jester” is from (many times a bawdy humorous person) in many medieval courts. Spreading the Luciferian one word into common usage.

Or the one word, maybe combined with any other high sounding grouping of words, to lift this short fleeting, feeling, and oh the flaunting of the word. It all depends on whether you’re an inny or an outy.

This poor \/\/0rd (the word we’re talking about) is a part of our thought-life (whether we admit it or not) as one of the smallest meaningful unit of speech that can stand by itself.

This poor World is fashioned of and on this one word. The entire World is colored by this feeling of the Cabal.
The Cabal has infected you and I into their thought life for at least a thousand years.

It is the feeling, it is the sensation, it is the spark, it is between and against people and objects. It is the soft curves, and it is the physical hardware which defines us as a people.

The sales of all products is driven by this sensation. Sex sells. More is more and less is less.

The W0rLD must change, from the contamination and poisoning of the Antichrist Consciousness to an irrepressible infusion of Messiah, the Christ into our Consciousness.

To say this one word, to use it, is to cast this Satanic spell.
This one word is your badge, your symbol of whom do you belong?

So, how long will you claim to be a slave to this Satanic Spell.

If you continue to use this ONE WORD, it condemns you each time you use it.
Remember: You are what you say❗️
In another place, it is written ‘LOVE’ is the Currency, the Cure, the Healing, the Repair, the Restorative, the Revival of the Spirit in the New World.
This ONE WORD does not manifest any of those attributes of the higher life.
Let the One Word be put away for at least for 1000 years.

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