Carry on! Kuya Mike's Pokemon Violet Nuzlocke Pt 5

9 days ago

Kuya Mike levels up Sarsi in hopes that she will help him through the first gym

Pokémon Violet Nuzlocke Rules:

1. If a Pokémon faints, it will be released (Shiny clause in effect)
2. One Pokémon per route using a Randomizer tool
3. Nickname each Pokémon

Additional Rules:

4. Shiny Clause: Shiny Pokémon can be caught, but will not count as an encounter and will be transferred to Pokémon Home
5. Dupes Clause: Encounters of a Pokémon that was previously caught (or any of its evolution) do not count.
6. Soft Level Cap: Pokémon can be 2 levels above the upcoming mission. Cap is removed during the mission. If a Pokémon goes over the soft level cap before the mission, they will be temporarily benched, and their spot will remain empty until after the mission.
7. Legendary Clause: Legendary Pokémon can be caught but cannot be used. Miraidon will be the exception if the story dictates.

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