The Garden of Silver Apples (Narnia Song)

14 days ago

Song: The Garden of Silver Apples
Lyrics: Aaron J. Weaver
Music: AI

Background: Based on the Tree of Youth found in a gated garden in Narnia. From the book, "The Magician's Nephew".

There's a garden in a world,
Twas create by Aslan's word,
Within it a beautiful tree,
From evil make Narnia free.

Thus, a warning you must know,
Must be taken rightly so,
Out of a selfless heart be taken,
With blessings of the great Lion.

Come in by the gold gates,
Or do not come through at all,
Take of my fruit for others,
or take warning and forbear,

For those who rob and steal,
Or those who climb my wall,
Shall find their heart's desire,
And shall also find despair.

If thou art sent upon this quest,
There shall always be a test,
For to do what's truly right,
One's temptation thou must fight.

Even if thine desires are fulfilled,
And gain all that's in the world,
Life shall be anything but heaven,
And was best to never had happen.

Come in by the gold gates,
Or do not come through at all,
Take of my fruit for others,
or take warning and forbear,

For those who rob and steal,
Or those who climb my wall,
Shall find their heart's desire,
And shall also find despair.

For the fruit's powers are true,
Must follow its nature's rule,
Yet by one's act and demands,
Shall reflect by the taker's hands.

Though the apple silver bright,
That tastes of such delight,
Shares a blessing that is great,
Or a curse with an awful fate.

Come in by the gold gates,
Or do not come through at all,
Take of my fruit for others,
or take warning and forbear,

For those who rob and steal,
Or those who climb my wall,
Shall find their heart's desire,
And shall also find despair.

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