Thee Outlaws At Lantern Waste (Narnia Song)

5 days ago

Song: Thee Outlaws at Lantern Waste
Lyrics: Aaron Weaver (a.k.a Phourthefunovit, Sir Narnian)
Music: AI
Narnia History: By 2534 (Narnia Years), King Erlian's father built three guard towers in the Lantern Waste (location of the Lamppost), to guard Narnia from being attacked by northern outlaws; it is unknown whether these outlaws were Giants or not. When the giants did attack, Erlian was wounded and ultimately died. Tirian soon took his father's place.


Vs 1.
In Narnia there once a time,
At Lantern Waste,
Thee forest was plagued with many a crime,
At Lantern Waste,
Thee King he doth built towers three,
To keep Narnia crime free,
For outlaws there just shouldn't be,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 2.
Mersalous the Minitour he was one,
At Lantern Waste,
He thought robbing was such fun,
At Lantern Waste,
They say he was rugged and strong,
Dryads couldn't woo him with their songs,
Say his horns weren't all that was long,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 3.
Setchery the Squirrel was a clever foe,
At Lantern Waste,
In trees he tis shot his tiny bow,
At Lantern Waste,
Then one day he got all rot,
While robbing a pilgrim he was caught,
A forester grabbed him and his nuts,
At Lantern Waste

Vs 4.
Claudeus the Coward was a faun,
At Lantern Waste,
His thefts didn't last not very long,
At Lantern Waste,
Because he was only half a man,
For hooves as feet he couldn't swim,
They found him floating near Beaverdam,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 5.
Dinthea the Dryad was a beaut,
At Lantern Waste,
She tamed good giants with her lute,
At Lantern Waste,
Law couldn't stop her, which was wrong,
She cursed the forest with her song,
But with laryngitis she got hung,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 6.
Shokraties the Saytr was his name,
At Lantern Waste,
They caught him while playing a naughty game,
At Lantern Waste,
His crime was not stealing any cash,
Yet he was proud of his stash,
To Daughters of Eve he would flash,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 7.
Black Handed Dwarf was also one,
At Lantern Waste,
Kidnapped Lord Fredrick's only son,
At Lantern Waste,
His ransom was six thousand pounds,
Twas then in a cavern he was found,
Now he is six feet underground,
At Lantern Waste.

Vs 8.
So, when at the Lamppost thou best behave,
At Lantern Waste,
Or you maybe also in a grave,
At Lantern Waste,
Thee foresters always get their beast,
Sons of Earth, plus Adam's and Eve's,
Do not think that they'll be deceived,
At Lantern Waste.

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